2024 winds down and 2025 looms before us. We can imagine what the year is likely to bring but most of it is outside of our control. The only thing we truly have dominion over is ourselves. For myself, I will not lose the person I fought for. We recently arrived in a new place, a good place. The plan is to build up from the foundation and branch out. To take up space and finally live a life I want. I believe in myself and nothing will stop me. My ninth vision board serves as the physical reminder of where I am and what I will build.
My formula remains the same. A central image, in recent years it is a photo of me. Everything pictured is called directly to me. Anchor images in each corner, related to the focuses of the year. Additional images to support the intention. Last year I wanted to redirect my energy from critique to accountability. Discipline carried over, as it will this year. It’s a foundational principle, a part of the concrete and abstract convergence I felt last year.
Embracing my weirdness and awkwardness, dedication to creative outlets, spiritual obedience, honesty with self, and awareness of progress were 2024’s tasks. There’s some overlap in 2025. Spiritually, I will further my ancestral veneration by learning more about my bloodline. Honor their names so they know they aren’t forgotten. They’ll keep me grounded as the outside world eats itself. Creatively, read and study to improve my writing. Take home pole and stretch practice as seriously as studio time.
The goddess archetype is ruling 34, I’m wielding confidence and picking up my sword. Words for the year fill open space: discipline, discernment, daring, delectable, delight. They are plush and weighty. Indulgent, even. The 2024 board is my favorite so far but 2025 came together with surprising ease. A clear vision from my birthday allowed the direction, needs, and images to fall into place. I’ll take it as another sign of settling into the comfort of knowing myself. Deciding how to incorporate the 5 D’s presented the only challenge.
I love making things, this is the most important creation every year. A reminder and motivator whether I’m in bliss or depletion. Home for the tasks my higher self lays out for the year as I become better acquainted with her, more comfortable in her presence. I’m happy to do this. I am happy as I write this despite a headache, thank you stressful work week. Last year I looked forward to discipline, learning, growth, and change. I’m pleased with how it turned out. Recently, I continuously marvel at how good I feel about myself. It’s a new, sweet feeling I will revel in all 2025.