I Dreamed a Dream

I dreamed a dream I never want to forget. Every night my subconscious turns on the dream machine, some mornings I only remember bits and pieces. Other days nothing at all. My dreams blend together nightly, one melting into the next. A seamless trail of color, exaggerations, and collages. When I remember a dream it’s either aggrieved or delighted me. I’ve woken up laughing from especially silly dreams. On occasion, I’m aware of dreaming and avoid things that frighten me, but I am not a fully lucid dreamer. In the case of this particular dream, I want to pick it up again. I have questions to ask.

The setting was familiar, a hybrid of two places I love. Some of the people I know and others I just feel connected to. My spirits were telling me a mix of things. There’s a connection, a thread that’s real, I didn’t make it up in my head. It exists on a simultaneous timeline or another I’ve already lived. One of the things I desire most out of life is coming. I’ll be able to identify it by how it’ll make me feel. I felt it clearly in the dream and know what to look for. It felt good, safe, warm, and easy. Covered me as if I were standing under a waterfall. Not crushing, not blinding, but all-encompassing with my awareness intact.

Why did they tell me now? For my fellow folks in the woo, March is an astrologically significant month. A whole lot is going on, transits that haven’t happened for decades or centuries. Big ‘ol shifts that can throw you off balance. I cannot afford to be off balance. This is not the time to be baited or distracted. June is my beacon for the year, relief is waiting. Despite the challenges March will bring this year, I have something to look forward to.

Remember what is coming, hold on to that good feeling, keep it close at hand in my mind. Metaphorically touch the grass, take a breath, ground myself. I was very honest at my altar on Sunday. It’s not easy for me to do. I’ll think I’m envisioning too much or being too selective. Squeezing myself into “reasonable” or “accommodating” hasn’t delivered much of what I desire. Bare honesty is better. Just say what you want and make it plain. Let it tumble out without qualifiers or over explaining. It didn’t need to make sense to anyone but me. My people understand me.

I had such a delightful time in the dream. I don’t know how long it actually lasted, a few minutes, a couple hours. Time is irrelevant in the subconscious, but I would have loved an extension. As I think about it, it felt like part one. There’s more coming. More to confirm, more to learn, more to understand. Showing me in stages is best. I’m very good at talking myself out of things. Even with my active imagination, I’m still learning to counter disbelief. Thank you Sky Team, for what you shared. A dream to lift me as my week began. A dream to keep me lifted as the year goes on.

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